Our Methodology
In teaching K9 Nose Work® we concentrate on learning from the dogs by forming a solid foundation fostering independence, teamwork, motivation, using high value reinforcements while building confidence at each team’s own pace. The dogs are encouraged to become independent hunters through self-discovery and exposure to various environments. We believe that the handlers become a true team with their dogs through observation. Teams are encouraged to leave all assumptions at the door and be a willing student of the dog.
Dara & Andy are both Certified Nose Work Instructors (CNWI). CNWI are graduates of the instructor certification program and follow the teaching philosophies set forth by the National Association of K9 Scent Work. NACSW™ was formed to ensure the highest standard of excellence for competitors in the sport of K9 Nose Work® and to cultivate a community of enthusiastic dog lovers and dog sport competitors.
Graduates of the certification program have dedicated 1-2 years on average to the study of K9 Nose Work, attending courses and lectures, and logging over 75 hours of training and teaching.
We currently teach private and group nose work sessions in Bridgewater, NJ and the surrounding areas.